Typical Day and Writing Inspiration

Hey guys, welcome to my blog. Hope you’re well. Someone asked me what a typical day was for me. I don’t have typical days. Each day may start as a regular day, but as the day unfolds, all kinds of things happen, which is okay because It makes an exciting day.  Not all days are exciting, mind you. My elderly father lives with me in his little apartment in my house, so my hearing became sharper over the years. I hear every little sound around the house, so when a mishap happens to my father, I’m down in his apartment in a flash.

I work part-time, two days per week, managing a project and do errands for my father. As you can see, each day is different but motivating. One thing, though, is typical for me, exercising. Walking or jogging on the treadmill helps me with my writing. When I’m stuck on a chapter or a scene direction, I get inspired when I’m on the treadmill. While I exercise, I go over the scene in my head, and without fail, the idea comes to me. It’s incredible, and it surprises me every time.

Life also inspires my writing. Growing up in a small town, being laughed at, intimidated and bullied, I know how it feels. Through my stories, I want to immerse the readers through my characters what it feels like to live through this. Love is also a big part of my stories. Finding the love of your life, loving every fibre of their being and the joy it brings you. Those are some of the things that inspire my writing and stories.

In my next blog, I’ll let you know my favourite shows, films, and actors. Stay tuned and let me know if you have any questions.